Маракушин, Д.І.Чернобай, Л.В.Кармазіна, І.С.Ісаєва, І. М.Глоба, Н.С.Alekseienko, RomanВасильєва, О.В.Шенгер, С.В.Гончарова, А.В.Marakushyn, DmytroChernobay, LarysaАлексеенко Роман ВасильевичKarmazina, IrynaIsaieva, InnaHloba, NataliiaVasylieva, O.Shenger, S.Goncharova, Аlina2019-01-182019-01-182019Physiology. Frequently Asked Questions : reasoning of tests tasks of license exam ”Krok 1”for individual preparation for English-medium students of medical and dental faculties / compilers: D. I. Marakushin, L. V. Chernobay, R. V. Alekseienko, I. S. Karmazina, I. М. Isaeva, N. S. Hloba, O. V. Vasylieva, S. V. Shenger, A. V. Goncharova. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2018. – 111 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22403Reasoning of tests tasks of license exam ”Krok 1”for individual preparation for English-medium students of medical and dental facultiesenphysiologyfrequently asked questionsreasoning of tests taskslicense exam “Krok 1”РЗ2018Physiology. Frequently Asked Questions : reasoning of tests tasks of license exam ”Krok 1”for individual preparation for English-medium studentsTest