Bulynina, OksanaBulynin, Vladislav2021-11-152021-11-152021-02-10Bulinina O. D. Improving pedagogical skills in future teachers of history and law during their professional training / O. D. Bulinina, V. A. Bulynin // The World of Science and Innovation : Abstracts of VII International Scientific and Practical Conference, London, United Kingdom, 10–12 February 2021. – London, 2021. – P. 48–54.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/29672The analysis of the answers given by the respondents gives us grounds to state that a common approach to the issues of salary, family and friends can be traced in the judgments of university entrants and students. Both questioned categories have a foggy notion of the labor conditions of an expert in history and law. The interrogation of practicing teachers showed that their professional turn of mind is effected by such factors as indulging in their favorite types of activities, their level of income or salary and their material support. A rather noticeable fact is that the responding teachers are slightly motivated by such factors as the profession prestige and the judgments of the members of their family.enpedagogical skills in future teacherspedagogical observationsImproving pedagogical skills in future teachers of history and law during their professional trainingArticle