Lurin, IgorMakarov, VitalyNehoduiko, VolodymyrSmolianyk, KostiantynGorobeiko, MaksymDinets, Andrii2024-06-042024-06-042024-02-28Spontaneous longitudinal rupture of the thyroid cartilage: A management of the rare clinical case / I. Lurin, V. Makarov, V. Nehoduiko, K. Smolianyk, M. Gorobeiko, A. Dinets // International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. ─ 2024. ─ № 116. ─ Р. 4─9. rupture of thyroid cartilagethyroid cartilage2024аSpontaneous longitudinal rupture of the thyroid cartilage: A management of the rare clinical caseArticle