Bagmut, IrinaZharova, NataliyaTitkova, AnnaBoiagina, OlgaRezunenko, Yu.Боягіна, Ольга ДмитрівнаЖарова, Наталія ВалентинівнаТіткова, Анна ВолодимирівнаБагмут, Ірина ЮріївнаРезуненко, Юрій Костянтинович2017-11-142017-11-142017-12The effect of phosphorus organic mixtures on chromosome aberration and cells’ mitotic activity of red bone marrow in the subacute experiment / I. Yu. Bagmut, N. V. Zharova, A. V. Titkova, O. D. Boiagina, Yu. K. Rezunenko // The quarterly review of biology. – 2017. – Issue 4 (2), vol. 92. – Р. 701–705.0033-5770 100 Wistar rats population in subacute experiment the effect of small sub-toxic doses of phosphorus detergents (Efasol, Polifos, Syntaf) on the level of chromosomal aberrations and cells' mitotic activity of red bone marrow was investigated. There were 9 research groups of animals and one control in certain clear relationship between dose intensity and toxic effects of restructuring chromosomal apparatus. The number of cells with chromosomal aberrations in a dose-dependent (1/10, 1/100 LD50) increased from 5 to 10 times. The study of cells' mitotic activity of red bone marrow identified reducing mitotic index, which may indicate the cytostatic effect of phosphorus detergents in appropriate doses 1/10 and 1/100 LD50. All xenobiotics in 1/1000 LD50 dose did not affect the genetic apparatus of male rats.enxenobioticsphosphorusdetergentscells' mitotic activiyred bone marrowratsThe effect of phosphorus organic mixtures on chromosome aberration and cells’ mitotic activity of red bone marrow in the subacute experimentArticle