Chernobay, LarysaMarakushyn, DmytroIsaieva, InnaKarmazina, IrynaAlekseienko, RomanHloba, NataliiaVasylieva, O.Bulynina, OksanaKyrychenko, MichaelDunaieva, OlhaHoncharova, A.Shenger, S.2021-01-152021-01-152020Physiology of visceral systems «Blood, circulation and respiration» : manual for individual work of second-year students (English-medium) / comp.: L. V. Chernobay, D. I. Marakushin, I. N. Isaeva [et al.]. – Kharkov : KhNMU, 2020. – 104 p.Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 12 від 17.12.2020.The blood, heart and blood vessels constitute the circulatory system and provide a link between the bodies’ internal compartments and external environment. More specifically, the blood transports nutrients from gastro-intestinal tract to cells, oxygen from respiratory system to cells, wastes from cells to excretory organs; it carries hormones from endocrine glands to target cells and aids in body thermoregulation.enphysiologybloodcirculationrespirationРЗ2020Physiology of visceral systems «Blood, circulation and respiration» : manual for individual work of second-year studentsWorkbook