Заїкіна, Тетяна СергіївнаРинчак, Петро ІвановичКовальова, Юлія ОлексіївнаKasim Abd ElrahimZaikina, TetianaRynchak, PetroKovaleva, Yuliia2015-07-262015-07-262015-05-14Correlation of sCD40L level and the level of insulin in patients with acute myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus type 2 / T. S. Zaikina, P. I. Rynchak, Yu. A. Kovalyova, Kasim Abd Elrahim // 8th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference for medical students and young scientists, May 14–15, 2015 : abstract book / Kharkiv National Medical University. – Kharkiv, 2015. – P. 103.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9300It is necessary to evaluate levels of sCD40L and insulin for the understanding of activity of inflammatory process in the coronary vesselsenacute myocardial infarctiondiabetes mellitus type 2insulinsCD40LCorrelation of sCD40L level and the level of insulin in patients with acute myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus type 2Thesis