Chumachenko, DmytroMeniailov, IevgenBazilevych, KseniiaChumachenko, TetyanaЧумаченко, Тетяна ОлександрівнаЧумаченко, Татьяна АлександровнаYakovlev, Sergiy2022-01-312022-01-312022On intelligent agent-based simulation of COVID-19 epidemic process in Ukraine / D. Chumachenko, Ie. Meniailov, K. Bazilevych, T. Chumachenko, S. Yakovlev // Procedia Computer Science. – 2022. – Volume 198. – P. 706–711. has impacted all areas of human activity around the world. Modern society has not faced such a challenge. Affordable travel and flights between continents allowed the virus to rapidly spread to all corners of the world. An effective tool for the development of anti-epidemic measures is mathematical modeling. The paper proposes a simulation model of COVID-19 propagation based on an agent-based approach. The case of the spread of the epidemic process before vaccination is considered. To verify the model, we used the data of official statistics on the incidence of COVID-19 in Ukraine, provided by the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The constructed model makes it possible to identify the factors influencing the development of the COVID-19 epidemic in a certain area. Посилання на статтю simulationepidemic processCOVID-19epidemic modelcompartement modelOn intelligent agent-based simulation of COVID-19 epidemic process in UkraineArticle