Zhernovnykova, OksanaNalyvaiko, OleksijChornous, Natalia2018-03-222018-03-222017-10-31Zhernovnykova O. A. Intellectual competence: essence, components, levels of formation / O. A. Zhernovnykova, O. O. Nalyvaiko, N. A. Chornous // Педагогіка. Психологія :збірник наукових праць / за заг. ред.: І. Ф. Прокопенка, С. Т. Золотухіної. – Харків : ТОВ "ДІСА ПЛЮС", 2017. – Вип. 58. – C. 32–41.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19254The article reveals the essence of the concept of «intelligence» and «intellectual competence», grounded components of formation of intellectual competence and determine the levels of its formation. The authors on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, determined that intellectual competence covers all elements of the content of education: general educational skills, meta-knowledge, over-subject activities.encomponentseducational processintellectintellectual competencelevelsstudentsuniversityIntellectual competence: essence, components, levels of formationArticle