Stashchak, AngelaKryvenko, OleksandrStaschak, NikolayShendrik, VladislavFedorchuk, Yuri2020-05-222020-05-222020Methods of perpetration and concealment of the budget funds theft during the purchase of medical equipment and medicines in Ukraine / A. Y. Stashchak, A. I. Krivenko, N. V. Staschak, V. V Shendrik, Y. V. Fedorchuk // Uzbek medical journal. – 2020. – Volume 1, issue 1. – P. 5–10.DOI: main ways of committing and concealing crimes related to theft of budget funds during the procurement of medical equi pment and medicines in Ukraine are discussed, and their content is revealed.enappropriated fundsdrugsmedical equipmentlootingMethods of perpetration and concealment of the budget funds theft during the purchase of medical equipment and medicines in UkraineArticle