Zhuravlyova, LarysaFilonenko, MarynaKlimashevska, V.Letik, Ivan2024-06-112024-06-112024White-coat hypertension: ways of optimizing the provision of medical aid (literature review) / I. V. Letik, L. V. Zhuravlyova, M. V. Filonenko, V. O. Klimashevska // Inter Collegas. ─ 2024. ─ Vol. 11, issue 1. ─ P. 4. ─ DOI: https://doi.org/10.35339/ic.11.1.lzf.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33984Background.White-coat hypertension is a controversial issue of a modern cardiovascular medicine. It is a common condition in clinical practice, in which office blood pressure is elevated while out-of-office measurements (ambulatory or home) are normal. The aimof this review is to address a number of issues related to white-coat hypertension, in particular, its definition, prevalence, etiology, symptoms, and consequences, emphasizing the need to improve diagnosis, management and prognosis of this disease. Results.Recent studies demonstrate that white-coat hypertension is associated with cardio-vascular risk factors, including the progression to sustained hypertension and the development of target organ damage. Timely and accurate diagnosis of white-coat hypertensionis incredibly important as it allows postponing its conversion to sustained hypertension and prevents alterations of target organ structure and function. The need for improved patient-doctor interaction to en-hance diagnosis and management of white-coat hypertension cannot be overstated. Other measures include exploring standardized measurements, improving communication and relation-ship establishing between physicians and patients, as well as investigating innovative interven-tions such as health education and telemedicine. The importance of the understanding of the emo-tional components contributing to white-coat hypertension are highlighted and strategies to im-prove patient outcomes through early diagnosis, reduced anxiety, and optimal healthcare experi-encesare proposed. Conclusion.A comprehensive approach, encompassing standardized measurements, im-proved communication, and innovative interventions, is essential for effectively managing white coat hypertensionenblood pressurecardiovascular riskcommunicationanxiety2024аWhite-coat hypertension: ways of optimizing the provision of medical aid (literature review)Article