Iermolenko, TamaraKirichek, LyudmilaKarnaukh, EllaGordiychuk, DariaOnashko, Yulia2016-03-282016-03-282016-03Experimental study of nephroprotective properties of sodium poly-(2,5-dihydroxyphenilen)-4-thiosulfate acid [Electronic resource] / T. Iermolenko, L. Kirichek, E. Karnaukh, D. Gordiychuk, Yu. Onashko // International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. – 2016. – Vol. 37(1), аrticle N. 33. – P. 180–184. – Access mode: article describes results of antihypoxant drug sodium poly-(2,5-dihydroxsyphenilen)-4-thiosulfate acid effects on filtration-excretory renal function in experimental renal insufficiency. Use of sodium poly-(2,5-dyhidroksyfenilen)-4-thiosulfate acid 90 mg/kg increases diuresis in rats, reduces endogenous creatinine level in the blood and increases its excretion in urine by strengthening glomerular filtration and normalization in tubular reabsorption. Also the studied drug positively affects renal function of nitrogen excretion in rats, increases excretion of urea, endogenous creatinine and consequently decreases their levels in animals’ blood. Proved studies show the effect of the drug on the severity of proteinuria and degree of protein loss. Antihypoxant drug sodium poly-(2,5-dihydroxsyphenilen)-4-thiosulfate acid is shown to provide complex diuretic, hypoazotemic and anti-proteinuric effects and nephroprotective action in experimental renal insufficiency and is believed to be actual for the further studying as a nonspecific nephroprotective drug.ennephroprotectionsodium poly-(2,5-dihydroxyphenilen)-4-thiosulfate acidantihypoxant drugkidneyureafiltration-excretory function of the kidneyscreatinineglomerular filtrationtubular reabsorptionproteinuriaexperimental acute renal insufficiencyExperimental study of nephroprotective properties of sodium poly-(2,5-dihydroxyphenilen)-4-thiosulfate acidArticle