Дубровіна, НадіяГуляшова, ІвіцаКлименко, ВікторіяБугаенко, Тетяна2020-12-082020-12-082020Основи спілкування з педіатричним пацієнтом / Н. Дубровіна, І. Гуляшова, В. Клименко, Т. Бугаенко // Economic and Social-Focused Issues of Modern World : Conference Proceedings of the 3nd International Scientific Conference (November 17–18, 2020, Bratislava, Slovak Republic). – Bratislava, 2020. – С. 345–354.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27899In the article the fundamental basics of the communication with pediatric patient is considered. The rights of patients and peculiarities of rights of pediatric patients are shown. On the basis of studied materials, articles and experience of the communicative problems in pediatric wards the list of rules of behavior for nursing staff is formulated for pediatric wards and pediatric centers. We focused also on the analysis of most frequently mistakes in the behavior of nursing staff in the pediatric wards and developed the proposals for the increasing efficiency of communication between nurses and pediatric patients in the hospitals and creation of positive images of these healthcare institutions.ukcommunicationnursingpatientpediatric wardОснови спілкування з педіатричним пацієнтомArticle