Piddubnyi, DanyloПіддубний, Данило КостянтиновичMalyk, NataliiaМалик, Наталія Віталіївна2023-11-282023-11-282023-11-24Piddubnyi D. Impact of Covid-19 vaccatioan on pregnancy / D. Piddubnyi, N. Malyk // Theoretical and practical aspects of modern scientific research : Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 24 November 2023 / European Scientific Platform. – Seoul, 2023. – P. 258─259. of Covid-19 vaccatioan on pregnancyenCOVID-19pregnancyvaccinationantibodies2023аImpact of Covid-19 vaccatioan on pregnancyThesis