Yanishen, I.Krichka, N.Diudina, IrynaBiriukova, M.Kuznetsov, R.2017-11-202017-11-202017Assessment of anatomical and topographical individual characteristics of masticatory system in patients with complete adentium / I. V. Yanishen, N. V. Krychka, I. L. Diudina, M. M. Biriukova, R. V. Kuznetsov // British Medical Bulletin. – 2017. – Issue 1 (2), vol. 124. – Р. 806–813.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18251The results of clinical studies aimed at improving the quality of dentures allowed to categorize the correlation of alveolar processes of toothless jaws and lip length types. Particularly for accurate orientation of occlusal surface of artificial dentition in the oral cavity in sagittal, transverse and vertical planes, taking into account individual anatomical and topographical features of the masticatory system. These tasks can be solved at the stages of occlusal rims manufacturing, artificial teeth insertion and denture design examination. Clinical validation of this classification has shown its advantages in restoring the function of eating, clarity and volume of pronunciation and norms of facial aesthetics, which ultimately improves the quality of treatment of patients with complete absence of teeth.enstabilizationdenturesAssessment of anatomical and topographical individual characteristics of masticatory system in patients with complete adentiumArticle