Yanishen, IgorMovchan, OlgaDolia, AnnaYarova, Alina2021-05-252021-05-252021Clinical justification for the use of cream for fixation of complete removable plastic prostheses / I. V. Yanishen, O. V. Movchan, A. V. Dolia, A. V. Yarova // European scientific discussions : Abstracts of the 4th International scientific and practical conference, Rome, Italy, 26–28 February 2021 / Potere della ragione Editore. – Rome, 2021. – P. 49–56. – URL: https://sci-conf.com.ua/iv-mezhdunarodnaya-nauchno-prakticheskaya-konferentsiya-european-scientific-discussions-26-28-fevralya-2021-goda-rim-italiya-arhiv/.978-88-32934-02-1https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28684The aim of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of fixation adhesive material in complete removable prosthetics due to the distribution of edentulous jaws into types according to Schroeder and Keller classifications, taking into account the degree of atrophy of the bone base of alveolar processes and mucous membranes with using fixing adhesive cream «Stomafix».enremovable denturesfunctional efficiencyadhesive materialfixing adhesive creamClinical justification for the use of cream for fixation of complete removable plastic prosthesesThesis