Istomin, AndriiKovalyov, S.Zhuravliov, V.Istomin, DmytroKarpinskiy, Ì.2021-04-192021-04-192021Biomechanical substantiation for external fixation of the pelvis using rods with different thread hands / A. G. Istomin, S. I. Kovaliov, V. B. Zhuravliov, D. A. Istomin, Ì. Yu. Karpinskiy // Inter collegas. – 2021. – Vol. 8, N 1. – Р. 37–46.2409-9988 results of medical rehabilitation ofpatients with consequences of unstable pelvicfractures (UPF) depend upon many factors,among which the strength of fixation of thefragments that makes possible early recovery ofthe staticodynamic function of the lower girdle isparticularly important,External fixation rod devices are widely usedin treating fresh UPF and their consequences,but it is not always that strength characteristicsof these devices make it possible to realize moderntendencies in medical rehabilitation, which call forearly verticalization of the patients and use ofconstant passive movement and application ofelectromechanical splints. This is explained by thefact that in patients with UPF, who have underwentexternal osteosynthesis with a rod device, bothaxial load and repeated cycles of hip flexion andextension reduce the strength of rod fixation inthe iliac bone.enpelvisstress-strain stateexternal fixationexperimental studyBiomechanical substantiation for external fixation of the pelvis using rods with different thread handsArticle