Gonchar, MargarytaTeslenko, TatyanaBoichenko, А.Kondratova, Iryna2016-11-082016-11-082016Сerebral hemodynamics in newborns with seizures / M. Gonchar, T. Teslenko, A. Boichenko, I. Kondratova // Inter Collegas. – 2016. – Vol. 3, No 2. – P. 92–94.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14433The research deals with cerebral hemodynamics in newborns with seizures. The study involved examination (including Doppler neurosonography of cerebral vessels and amplitude-integrated electroencephalography) of 56 infants undergoing neonatal intensive care. The study showed that 37.5% of neonates had convulsions (including 17.9% with atypical subclinical seizures). Disorders of cerebral hemodynamics in neonates with seizures were characterized by hyperperfusion in 52.4% and hypoperfusion in 33.3% of infants.ennewbornsneonatesinfantsseizuresconvulsionscerebral hemodynamicsCerebral hemodynamics in newborns with seizuresArticle