Yanishen, I.Andrienko, К.Fedotova, O.Pogorila, A.Khlystun, N.2023-11-122023-11-122022Evaluation of the effect of acrylic removable dentures on the immunometabolic profile and quality of life of patients / І. V. Yanishen, К. Yu. Andrienko, O. L. Fedotova, A. V. Pogorila, N. L. Khlystun // Світ медицини та біології. – 2022. – № 1 (79). – P. 168─173.2079-8334https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32856The purpose of our study was to assess the removable orthopedic constructions impact, made by different methods, on the immunometabolic profile and quality of life of patients in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry.enremovable orthopedic constructionstreatment methodsresidual monomerimmunometabolic profilevacuum methodquality of life2023а/2022Evaluation of the effect of acrylic removable dentures on the immunometabolic profile and quality of life of patientsArticle