Riznychenko, OlenaPanasenko, YuliaIbrahimova, OlenaKhokhlov, Mikhail2023-11-202023-11-202023-11-14Adaptive mechanisms of neuroplasticity in the recovery of motor functions after ishemic stroke / O. Riznychenko, O. Ibrahimova, Yu.Panasenko, M. Khokhlov // Scientists and existing problems of human development : Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, November 14─17, 2023. ─ Zagreb, 2023. ─ Р. 149─150.979-8-89238-621-0https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32952The aim of this study was to prove the effectiveness of early physical rehabilitation for restoring motor functions in paretic limbs in patients with ischemic stroke (IS) with hemiparesis .As the results of the study showed, neglect of the physical aspect led to very unfavorable consequences: the terms of bed rest, inpatient treatment were unreasonably prolonged, leading to the formation of contractures, which leads to temporary disability of patients. Undoubtedly, early motor activation of patients contributes to a better recovery of motor functions and reduces the risk of post-stroke complications. Thus, it is better to start treatment of post-stroke spasticity as early as possible, since the shorter the period from the onset of a stroke, the greater the likelihood of improvement.enischemic strokekinesiotherapyhemiparesisphysical rehabilitation2023аAdaptive mechanisms of neuroplasticity in the recovery of motor functions after ishemic strokeThesis