Karmazina, IrynaLukashova, O.Cherniakova, A.Isaieva, InnaHloba, Nataliia2016-12-142016-12-142016-10Role Of Electron Microscopy in Early Diagnostics of Squamous Cell Papiloma Malignization / I. S. Karmazina, O. P. Lukashova, A. E. Cherniakova, I. N. Isaeva, N. S. Hloba // Теорія та практика сучасної морфології : матеріали науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої 100-річчю Дніпропетровської (Катеринославської) школи морфологів, м. Дніпро, 5–7 жовтня 2016 року : збірник наукових робіт. – Дніпро, 2016. – С. 71–72.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15318Squamous cell papilloma of larynx belongs to the obligate precancer and comprises about 50% of all benign laryngeal tumors. Questions about pathogenesis of squamous cell papilloma and its malignant transformation are the actual problem of modern o to rh i n o 1 ary n go logy p ract i ce. The objective of the work was to carry out the comparative research of squamous cell papilloma of larynx in different morphological levels. 18 patients with diagnosis ofneoplasm of larynx, papilloma were examined. To specify the diagnosis the cytological research of touch smears from tumor’s surface and histological research of tissue samplings were carried out (Chandra Grubb. 1988). In 5 cases malignization of squamous cell papilloma was determined and conclusion aboutpresence of squamous cell cancer was made; in 13 cases morphological picture of tumor corresponded to squamous cell papilloma. Ultrastructure of researched papillomas was examined with help of standard methods of electron microscopy (Harris J.R., 1991).enpapilomaelectron microskopymalignizationdiagnosticsRole of electron microscopy in early diagnostics of squamous cell papiloma malignizationThesis