Denуsova, OlenaSokolova, Irina2014-05-082014-05-082014-04-10Denysova Ye. G. The tactics of gingivitis treatment in children with bite pathology / Ye. G. Denysova, I. I. Sokolova // Интегративная медицина в челюстно-лицевой хирургии и стоматологи : сборник трудов научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Паринские чтения – 2014», Минск, 10–11 апреля 2014 / под общ. ред. И. О. Походенко-Чудаковой. – Минск : Изд. Центр БГУ, 2014. – С. 353–355. of the hygienic condition and the first signs of periodontal inflammation at application of permanent appliance are observed by the end of the 2nd month - beginning of the 3rd month of orthodontic treatment. The obtained findings of the dynamics of digital indicators of hygienic and periodontal indices suggest of a pronounced efficacy of Cholisal® at gingivitis treatment in orthodontic patients.engingivitisgingivitis treatmentorthodontic patientsThe tactics of gingivitis treatment in children with bite pathologyThesis