Swaminathan IlayarajaImtiaz MajeedGerasimchuk, Nina2015-11-252015-11-252015-11-12Swaminathan Ilayaraja. The lucrative business of healing / Swaminathan Ilayaraja, Imtiaz Majeed, N. Gerasimchuk // Modern diagnostical Methods in internal medicine and their ethical aspests : 5th Scientific Students` Conference, dedicated to the 210th Anniversary of Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 12th of November 2015 / Kharkiv National Medical University, Propedeutics to Internal Medicine Department №1, Basis of Bioethics and Biosafety. – Kharkiv, 2015. – P. 60.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11513The underlying philosophy behind providing healthcare has designated health as a basic right of all human beings. But healthcare is not just a service of rights anymore. It may be an economic investment, a commodity which can be bought and sold, a political tool or for the less fortunate an expenditure that is vital but just can’t be met. A scary reality, but the fact remains that the income and investment generated by the selling of healthcare greatly influences how far we move forward in the field of medicine and also it remains a source of revenue for the countless health care providers, researchers, analysts, drug companies etc. who work to fight against the quickly evolving entity of human disease.enhealthcarerevolutionary diagnosticsThe lucrative business of healingThesis