Kravchun, Pavlo G.Babadzhan, VolodymyrKadykova, OlgaКравчун, Павло ГригоровичБабаджан, Володимир ДаниловичКадикова, Ольга Ігорівна2015-07-262015-07-262015Module 1. Clinical immunology and allergology. Theme 5. Acquired immunodeficientes : manual for practical lessons for students having higher Medical education in English / compl.: P. G. Kravchun, V. D. Babadzhan, O. I. Kadikova. – Kharkiv : Kharkiv State Medical University, 2015. – 32 p. study the mechanisms of development, clinical features, features immunodiagnostics, approaches to the treatment of acquired T- and B-de-pendent immunodeficiency disease due to violation of phagocytes’ immunity, and deficiency of complement proteins.enAcquiared immunodeficientesModule 1. Clinical immunology and allergology. Theme 5. Acquired immunodeficientes: manual for practical lessons for Medical students dentistsGuidelines