Bulynina, OksanaIsaeva, InnaAlekseenko, Roman2021-11-152021-11-152021-11-04Bulynina O. D. Functional lung ventilation factors and the clinical importance of them / O. D. Bulynina, I. N. Isaeva, R. V. Alekseenko // Innovations and Prospects of World Science : Proceedings of III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 4–6 November 2021. – Vancouver, 2021. – P. 84–92.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/29669Functional lung ventilation factors are considered to be an important tool used for the investigation and monitoring of the patients with the respiratory pathology. These factors give important information relating to large and small respiratory tracts, the lung parenchyma, including the sizes and integrity of lung capillaries. Functional lung ventilation factors assist in making a diagnosis and can define the decisions taken for further treatment and surgical intervention. In this review, we describe our usual investigations and discuss their clinical importance.enfunctional testsspirometrypneumotachographyspirographythe vital lung capacityFunctional lung ventilation factors and the clinical importance of themArticle