Klymenko, ViktoriiaSirenko, TatyanaLupaltsova, Olha2016-09-202016-09-202016Artificial and mixed feeding of infants. Feeding of infants after introduction of solid foods. Feeding of the healthy children after 1 year old : teacher's guide for the 3 rd year English medium students : Academic discipline «Pediatric Propedeutics» / compiled: V. A. Klymenko, T. V. Sirenko, O. S. Lupaltsova. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2016. – 12 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13834enArtificial and mixed feeding of infants. Feeding of infants after introduction of solid foods. Feeding of the healthy children after 1 year oldШтучне та змішане вигодовування немовлят. Харчування дітей старше одного рокуGuidelines