Pavlenko, NataliiaПавленко, Наталія ВолодимирівнаBelousova, OlgaБєлоусова, Ольга ЮріївнаSolodovnichenko, IrinaСолодовниченко, Ірина ГригорівнаVoloshyn, K. V.Волошин, К. В.Babadzhanyan, OlenaБабаджанян, Олена МиколаївнаShutova, OlenaШутова, Олена ВалентинівнаVoloshyna, LidiiaВолошина, Лідія ГеоргіївнаHanzii, OlenaГанзій, Олена Богданівна2024-05-142024-05-142023Active persistence of the epstein-barr virus worse prognosis esophagits in school children / N. V. Pavlenko, O. Yu. Belousova, I. G. Solodovnichenko, K. V. Voloshin, O. M. Babadzhanian, O. V. Shutova, L. G. Voloshina, O. B. Hanzii // of The World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID23) : 13th World Congress, Durban, South Africa, 14─17 November 2023 : Abstract book / World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases. – Durban, 2023. – P. 372. To study the effect of active persistence of EBV in school-age children with esophagitis and complicated variants of GERD, based on the results of a comprehensive study. Methods: 388 children aged 6-18 years with esophagitis were examined. The diagnosis was verified endoscopically and morphologically. Hр was determined histologically, the activity of EBV - by PCR of blood serum. The results were statistically processed. Results: The overall infection with Hp was 56%. Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 - 295 (76%) patients with catarrhal esophagitis, group 2 - 93 (24%) patients with erosive esophagitis. EBV in catarrhal esophagitis was detected in 12%, and in erosive esophagitis in 48% of patients (p<0.01). 24.5% of patients with erosive esophagitis had complications in the form of torpid slit-like erosions, ulcers and polyps of the esophagus. When analyzing the infection rate of this category of patients, it turned out that Hp-positive variants of complicated esophagitis accounted for only 28%, while active EBV infection was detected in 92% of patients (p<0.01). Conclusions: EBV is significantly more often detected in school-age children with erosive and complicated esophagitis. Active long-term persistence of EBV worsens the prognosis of esophagitis.en-USactive EBV infectionesophagitisschool-age children2024а/2023Active persistence of the epstein-barr virus worse prognosis esophagits in school childrenАктивна персистенція вірусу Епштейн-Барр погіршує прогноз езофагітів у дітей шкільного вікуThesis