Yanishen, IgorSavielieva, NataliiaLobanov, AntonAndrienko, KarinaPogorila, AllaFedotova, Olena2024-05-272024-05-272024Interrelation of physico-mechanical properties of layered packaging materials with the quality of acrylic bases of removable orthopedic dental prostheses / I. V. Yanishen, N. M. Savielieva, A. I. Lobanov, K. Yu. Andrienko, A. V. Pogorila, O. L. Fedotova // European congress of scientific achievements : Proceedings of the 4th International scientific and practical conference, Barcelona, Spain, 22─24 April 2024 / Barca Academy Publishing. ─ Barcelona, 2024. ─ P. 38─40.978-84-15927-35-8https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33832The aim of our study was a comparative evaluation of the physico-mechanical properties of layered packaging materials for removable dental prosthesis constructions using an improved methodology.enorthopedic treatmentcomplete removable plate prostheses2024аInterrelation of physico-mechanical properties of layered packaging materials with the quality of acrylic bases of removable orthopedic dental prosthesesArticle