Lurin, I.Makarov, VitaliyKhoroshun, EduardNehoduiko, VolodymyrShypilov, SergiySmolianyk, Kostiantyn2023-11-222023-11-222023-10-01Features of the use of ladder myoplasty of a gunshot wound to the laryngopharynx: Case report / I. A. Lurin, V. V. Makarov, E. M. Khoroshun, V. V. Nehoduiko, S. A. Shypilov, K. M. Smolianyk // International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. ─ 2023. ─ № 111. – Р. 1─6. and importance: The laryngopharynx wound is considered to be one of the most severe wounds of neck both in war and in peace, as it may cause life threatening changes in the whole body (asphyxia, bleeding, shock). Important aspects of surgical treatment are to ensure full breathing, acceptable ways of feeding, and the use of reliable wound closure techniques aimed to prevent digestive tract failure and to maintain the framework and aerostasis of the laryngotracheal region. Case presentation: A case of unilateral multiple wounds of the laryngopharynx was described in the article. The features of diagnostics, surgical treatment and conservative therapy in the postoperative period with this injury were presented. The wounded man was urgently operated. During surgery the pharynx was mobilized. The metal fragment was removed. The wound of the pharynx was sutured with a two-row suture. The next stage of the surgical treatment was myoplasty. In the case of the patient, the purpose of myoplasty was additional sealing of the pharyngeal suture and myoplasty of the thyroid cartilage injury zone for the purpose of aerostasis. Because of the size of the wounds and their anatomical localization, we used the mobilized lower edge of the Musculus sternocleidomastoideus for myoplasty and proposed the method of ladder myoplasty developed by us. Clinical discussion: In myoplasty method the following criteria must be followed: the muscle flap must be of sufficient length and width, so as not to cause excessive tension in the myoplasty area; the flap must be thick enough to avoid necrosis that may cause subsequent infectious complications; when taking the flap, the most sparing operative access should be used to avoid functional and anatomical disorders; the volume of the taken muscle flap must not lead to functional and anatomical disorders. Conclusion: The proposed method of ladder myoplasty using Musculus sternocleidomastoideus is unique, and proves its high efficiency in unilateral multiple laryngopharyngeal injuries, and can be recommended for wide clinical implementation in such clinical situations.enthe laryngopharynx woundmyoplastythe sternocleidomastoid musclecombat conditions2023аFeatures of the use of ladder myoplasty of a gunshot wound to the laryngopharynx: Case reportArticle