Yanishen, I.Movchan, O.Dolia, A.Yarova, A.2020-12-032020-12-032020Use of adhesive materials in the process of adaptation to complete removable prostheses: clinical evaluation of efficacy / I. V. Yanishen, O. V. Movchan, A. V. Dolia, A. V. Yarova // Modern science: problems and innovation : Abstracts of the 6th International scientific and practical conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 23–25 August 2020 / SSPG Publish. – Stockholm, 2020. – P. 59–61. – URL: https: sci- conf.com.ua/vi-mezhdunarodnaya-nauchno-prakticheskaya-konferentsiya-modern- science-problems-and-innovations-23-25-avgusta-2020-goda-stokgolm-shvetsiya- arhiv/.978-91-87224-07-2https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27797The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of adhesive materials in complete removable prosthetics. Objectives of the study: to identify a tool for fixing and stabilizing complete removable dentures, which has the greatest adhesive effect; to determine the degree of functioning of the dental system after prosthetics with removable dentures when using adhesives; determine the period of time required to adapt to complete removable dentures.encomplete removable prostheticsadhesive materialUse of adhesive materials in the process of adaptation to complete removable prostheses: clinical evaluation of efficacy.Article