Вівчарук, Вікторія ПетрівнаПащенко, Юрій ВолодимировичPashchenko, Yu.V.Vivcharuk, V.P.2018-11-022018-11-022018Pashchenko Yu. V. Combined treatment of hemangiomas / Yu. V. Pashchenko, V. P. Vivcharuk // International conference on pediatric surgery & neurosurgery – 2018 : theses conference abstracts, Yerevan, Armenia, 6–7 september 2018. – Yerevan, 2018. – Р. 81.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20867Infantile hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor in young children with a characteristic life cycle (proliferative, involutive phases), which is also a unique model of postnatal vasculogenesis, angiogenesis and vascular regression. Tumor growth is conditioned by the influence of pro-angiogenic factors. Considerable part of complications develops precisely in the proliferation phase. A rapid increase in hemangiomas is an indication for treatment, which should be based on the age of the patient, localization, size and aggressiveness of the growth.enhemangiomacombined treatmenttumorβ-blockersCombined treatment of hemangiomasThesis