Pasieshvili, L.Viun, T.Viun, S.2019-11-202019-11-202019Pasieshvili L. Biochemical and genetic characteristics of secondary osteoporosis in patients with combined course of chronic pancreatitis and hypertensive disease / L. Pasieshvili, T. Viun, S. Viun // The Scientific Heritage. – 2019. – № 40. – P. 35–41. and genetic characteristics of secondary osteoporosis in patients with combined course of chronic pancreatitis and hypertensive diseaseenbiochemical characteristicsgenetic characteristicsosteoporosischronic pancreatitishypertensive diseaseBiochemical and genetic characteristics of secondary osteoporosis in patients with combined course of chronic pancreatitis and hypertensive diseaseArticle