Knigavko, VolodymyrZaytseva, OlgaBondarenko, MarynaBatyuk, Liliya2018-11-222018-11-222018-11-22Medical and Biological Physics [Electronic source] : lectures : [10 presentation PowerPoint] / V. Knigavko, O. Zaytseva, L. Batyuk, M. Bondarenko ; Kharkov National Medical University. – Kharkiv, 2016.Курс из 10 лекций-презентаций10 presentation PowerPoint]Achievements in modern medicine are substantially linked to progress in biophysics, cybernetics, informatics and medical electronics. Medical and biological physics methods are a basis for developing new techniques in diagnostics and treatment. These methods are being widely introduced into the practice of research laboratories because, in many cases, understanding of the origin of diseases is based on identifying their biophysical mechanisms. This explains the necessity for students of medical universities to study the basic concepts of medical and biological physics.enmedical and biological physicsMedical and Biological Physics : lecturesLecture-presentation