Ashcheulova, TetyanaАщеулова, Тетяна ВадимівнаАщеулова, Татьяна ВадимовнаKovalyova, Olga2014-11-072014-11-072014Ashcheulova T. Distant apoptosis markers in human hypertension / T. Ashcheulova, O. Kovalyova // Inter Collegas. – 2014. – Vol. 1, N 1. – P. 31–42. APOPTOSIS BIOMARKERS IN HUMAN HYPERTENSION Ashcheulova T, Kovalyova O. The aim was to study plasma apoptosis markers (TNF-α, sTNF-R1, sFasL) levels in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) depend on degree of blood pressure elevation. We examined 78 patients with AH, which were divided into 3 groups depend on AH degree: 1 group (n=18) – 1 degree AH, 2 group (n=25) – 2 degree AH, 3 group (n=35) – 3 degree AH. Plasma tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), soluble TNF receptors type 1 (sTNF-R1), and soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) levels by ELISA were detected. It was found that plasma TNF-α levels in all groups patients were higher than in healthy normotensives (p<0.05). Maximum mean was detected in 2 degree AH patients. Circulating sTNF-R1 levels of all groups patients were elevated vs normal means (p<0.05). In spite of detected increasing sTNF-R1 concentration, natural TNF-α inhibitor, and insignificant decreasing of TNF-α/sTNF-R1, cytokine level remained high, that confirm possibility of TNF-mediated apoptosis pathway in hypertensive patients. Obtained results indicate possibility of Fas-related apoptosis in patients with arterial hypertension. Conclusion. Result of our clinical study showed increased immuno-inflammatory and proapoptotic activity depends on presence and degree of arterial hypertension.enapoptosiscirculating apoptosis biomarkersarterial hypertensionDistant apoptosis markers in human hypertensionArticle