Rybalko, L.Li, Y.Ovsiuk, D.Zhao, B.2023-06-292023-06-292023Heritage of European science: Creative self-realization of art teacher: chinese experience of art and pedagogical education : monograph / L. S. Rybalko, Y. Li, D. R. Ovsiuk, B. Zhao. – Karlsruhe : ScientificWorld-NetAkhatAV, 2023. – 127 р. : ill. – (European Science. Book 17, part 1). – DOI: 10.30890/2709-2313.2023-17-01.978-3-949059-75-9https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32375enCreative self realization of art teacher: Chinese experience of art and pedagogical education.Monograph