Лісовий, Володимир МиколайовичЩукін, Дмитро ВолодимировичГарагатий, Ігор АнатолійовичХареба, Геннадій ГеннадійовичПоляков, Микола МиколайовичShchukin, DmytroLisovyi, VolodymyrGaragatiy, IgorKhareba, GennadiyPolyakov, M.2016-10-252016-10-252016-03-13Control of the renal artery after removal of tumor thrombus from the inferior vena cava: Analysis of the efficacy and safety of a new surgical approach / V. Lesovoy, D. Shchukin, I. Garagatiy, G. Khareba, M. Polyakov // European Urology. – 2016. – Vol. 15, iss. 3, suppl. – P. e525.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14055The nephrectomy safety during removal of kidney tumors with intravenous extension mostly depends on control of the renal artery. We focused on efficacy and safety of a novel renal artery ligation technique after thrombectomy in comparison to the standard surgical techniques. Our study has demonstrated feasibility and safety of thrombectomy without prior ligation of the renal artery. The results of this technique were not related to the level of spread of intravenous tumor, and were significantly better than those with the use of the standard approaches to the renal artery in terms of technical feasibility and safety, due to the lower frequency of bleeding, and the absence of embolic complications.ennephrectomyinferior vena cava (IVC)tumor thrombusControl of the renal artery after removal of tumor thrombus from the inferior vena cava: Analysis of the efficacy and safety of a new surgical approachArticle