Старіков, Володимир ІвановичЩокіна, Катерина ГеннадіївнаДроговоз, Світлана МефодіївнаShchokina, K.Drogovoz, S.Kalko, K.Starikov, V.2022-01-192022-01-192021-12Experimental study of receptor antagonist interleukin-1 cerebroprotective properties / K. G. Shchokina, S. M. Drogovoz, K. O. Kalko, V. I. Starikov // Pharmacologyonline. – 2021. – Vol. 3. – P. 1717–1722.1827-8620https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30430In modern conditions craniocerebral trauma (ССT) is one of the most common pathologies. The search for new means of correcting ССT is an urgent task of medicine and pharmacy. According to the modern concept, the pathogenesis of brain lesions involves an increase in the production of proinflammatory cytokines, including interleukin-1. Attracts attention of the possibility to solve this problem by blockade of receptors of interleukin-1 (IL-1). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of raleukin in traumatic CNS lesions in a model of traumatic brain injury in rats. Materials and methods. Raleukin injected at a dose of 15 mg / kg subcutaneously, referent-drug Piracetam (200 mg / kg) intraperitoneally 30 minutes before the modeling of CCT. Closed trauma of moderate severity was simulated under light etheric anesthesia (immediately after the lateral position of the animal) by the method of dosed impact on the parieto-occipital region with a weight of 0.0495 kg with an energy of 0.315 J in a special device. Immediately after the application of CCT determined the time of recovery of motor activity of animals. After 24 hours, the open field and rotating rod tests were repeated. This allowed us to assess the dynamics of the CNS. The main results. In the article are the results of studies of the effect of recombinant human receptor antagonist of interleukin-1 (Raleukin) status of animals after closed craniocerebral trauma. Found that Raleukin more effective of piracetam restores motor activity of animals in the acute period of experimental BI. Against the background of Raleukin recovery in the functional state of central nervous system (muscle tone and motor coordination, motor and research activity, emotional reaction) in craniocerebral trauma rehabilitation period is better than under the influence of piracetam.eninterleukin-1cerebroprotective actionraleukincraniocerebral traumaExperimental study of receptor antagonist interleukin-1 cerebroprotective propertiesArticle