Isaieva, InnaIsaiev, ArsenKorobtsova, NataliiaNadon, VictoriiaPuchkovska, Iryna2024-05-172024-05-172024-01Aggressive parenting: social, medical and legal aspects / I. M. Isaieva, A. M. Isaiev, N. V. Korobtsova, V. V. Nadon, I. I. Puchkovska // Wiadomości Lekarskie Medical Advances. ─ 2024. ─ Volume 78, issue 01. ─ P. 144─153.0043-5147 parenting is considered as style using threats or different kinds of punishments such as psychological or physical to keep a child under control or pressure to obey. However, the standardized definition of aggressive parenting doesn’t exist and most of interpretations are focused on physical aggression which refers to actions with intention of causing physical pain or injury.enharsh parentingchildren’ health outcomesways of preventionlegal responsibility2024аAggressive parenting: social, medical and legal aspectsArticle