Mikulinska-Rudich, YuliiaMys, ViktoriiaIskorostenska, Olga2015-11-132015-11-132015Мikulinska- Rudich Y. N. Peculiarities of clinical manifestations of Down's syndrome in dental practice / Y. N. Mikulinskaya-Rudich, V. A. Mys, O. V. Iskorostenska // London Review of Education and Science. ‒ 2015. ‒ № 2 (18). ‒ Р. 156‒165.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11074This article permits doctors of practical health care to pay attention to peculiarities of dental status of children with Down’s syndrome and to take into account interconnection between somatic pathology and development of pathological processes in maxillofacial area of children with trisomy-21 by choosing correct method of treatment of dental diseaseenDown syndromechildrensomatic pathologydental statusPeculiarities of clinical manifestations of Down's syndrome in dental practiceArticle