Yanishen, IgorSavielieva, NataliiaLobanov, AntonAndrienko, KarinaPogorila, AllaFedotova, Olena2024-05-272024-05-272024Adaptability to removable prosthodontics based on quality of life assessment / I. V. Yanishen, N. M. Savielieva, A. I. Lobanov, K. Yu. Andrienko, A. V. Pogorila, O. L. Fedotova // Topical aspects of modern scientific research : Proceedings of the 8th International scientific and practical conferenceProceedings of VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 18─20 April 2024 / CPN Publishing Group. ─ Tokyo, 2024. ─ P. 35─37.978-4-9783419-2-1https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33833The aim of our study was to assess data on the adaptation process of patients using full removable plate prostheses made with the help of various groups of packing materials, based on quality of life indicators.enorthopedic treatmentfull removable plate prosthesesadaptation process2024аAdaptability to removable prosthodontics based on quality of life assessmentArticle