Chukhno, Inna2021-09-222021-09-222021-09-08Chukhno I. Basic approaches to mastering by students of higer medical education soft skills by means of game technologies / I. Chukhno // Innovations and prospects of world science : Proceedings of I International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 8–10 September 2021 / Perfect Publishing. – Vancouver, 2021. – P. 144–151. – URL: importance of mastering soft skills by higher medical education, the need to understand and involve in this process all participants in educational activities, as well as the features and role of game technology in mastering soft skills by medical students are substantiated in the article.ensoft skillshigher medical educationinteractive teaching methodsgame technologies in pedagogyBasic approaches to mastering by students of higer medical education soft skills by means of game technologiesArticle