Ткаченко, Ганна ВасилівнаЛукавенко, Олена ГеннадіївнаTkachenko, G.Lukavenko, Olena2016-12-222016-12-222016-11-17Tkachenko G. B. The relation of medical students of junior courses to their health and to the physical education classes at the university / G. V. Tkachenko, H. G. Lukavenko // Здоров'я людини: теоретичнні, практичні та методичні аспекти : матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, Полтава, 17 листопада 2016 року. – Полтава : Астрая, 2016. – C. 323–326.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15521So, summing up stated above we can draw to the conclusion that it is necessary to hold a course in theory of physical culture in every future doctor’s life in higher medical establishment, because due to the state qualifying requirements to the professional preparation of the general practice doctors, they must master forming sound mode of life methods.The problems of relations of junior medical students of Kharkov National Medical University to their healthenThe relation of medical students of junior courses to their health and to the physical education classes at the university.Article