Syrovaya, AnnaGrabovetskaya, Evgeniya2015-11-052015-11-052015-09Syrovaya A. O. Experimental study of caffeine influence on antiexudative activity of known NSAIDs of different chemical structure / A. O. Syrovaya, E. R. Grabovetskaya // European Applied Sciences. – 2015. – № 9. – P. 5–7.2195-2183 activity of combinations of some anti-inflammatory drugs with caffeine is shown in the experiment. It is found that caffeine potentiates antiexudative activity of diclofenac sodium, ibuprofen and paracetamol. It is discovered that the composition of caffeine with ibuprofen has more intensive antiexudative effect than the composition of caffeine with diclofenac sodium and paracetamol.enibuprofendiclofenac sodiumParacetamolcaffeineantiexudative activityExperimental study of caffeine influence on antiexudative activity of known NSAIDs of different chemical structureArticle