Marakushyn, DmytroBulynina, OksanaVasylieva, O.2015-11-062015-11-062015-02-09Marakushin D. I. Relationship between stabilometrical reactions and type of functional asymmetry in the student’s age / D. I. Marakushin, O. D. Bulynina, O. V. Vasylieva // Urgent problems of science and practice in the XXI century = Актуальные проблемы науки и практики в XXI столетии : Collection of Conference Papers of International Scientific-Practical Conference, London, 09–10.02.2015 / Centre for Scientific and Practical Studies. – London, 2015. – Р. 18–20. issue of muscle tone asymmetry is a very interesting problem which still should be studied [1, 2]. This question is one of the aspects of the topical issue of twoness work of cerebral hemispheres [3]. There is much more information on arms asymmetry than on asymmetry of legs [4]. There are data according to which legs are not equally strong and the dominance of the left leg grows with age.The correlation between the type of the functional asymmetry and the psychological status of the students has been established. We aimed at studying the relationship between stabilometrical reactions and type of functional asymmetry. The 136 students of KNMU 2 course have been examined. Young adults with a right type functional asymmetry demonstrate the most expressive asymmetry endurance at rest and immediately after exercise; young adults with a left type functional asymmetry demonstrate high anxiety, aggression, constriction, frustration and petulance. Individuals with mixed type of functional asymmetry demonstrate the highest levels of physical and verbal aggression.enfunctional asymmetrypsychoemotional statequality factor of the intellectual activityadaptation to the physical loadingsRelationship between stabilometrical reactions and type of functional asymmetry in the student’s ageArticle