Tsymbaliuk, V.Lurin, I.Gumeniuk, K.Herasymenko, O.Furkalo, S.Oklei, D.Negoduyko, VolodymyrGorobeiko, M.Dinets, A.2023-10-102023-10-102022-11-04Modeling of wound ballistics in biological tissues using engineering simulation software / V. Tsymbaliuk, I. Lurin, K. Gumeniuk, O. Herasymenko, S. Furkalo, D. Oklei, V. Negoduyko, M. Gorobeiko, A. Dinets // Medicni perspektivi. ─ 2023. ─ Vol. 28, No. 1. ─ P. 37─48. ─ DOI: https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2023.1.275866.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32601Modern weapons cause severe damage, accompanied by high rates of complications and mortality. The investigation of such kinds of weapons is in high demand considering the ongoing active phase war against Ukraine since February 2022. In order to understand the pathological processes that occur in and outside the gunshot wound, we conducted an experimental study using mathematical simulation. The results presented in the article will help to choose the appropriate surgical management and improve the results of treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate the damaging effect of a 5.45 mm 7N6M bullet and a 5.45 mm V-max expansive bullet using numerical modeling of wound canals in ballistic plasticine. The Ansys Explicit Dynamics engineering complex was used to simulate the dynamics of the bullet’s motion. The basic equations, solved by the explicit dynamic analysis, express the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy in Lagrange coordinates. Together with the material model and the set of initial and boundary conditions, they determine the complete solution to the problem. Taking into account that the initial velocity of the bullet is 1185 m/s at a mass of 3.9 g, we obtain energy 2740 J. All this energy acts at the area of the wound canal with a depth of 150 mm. Injury with a conventional 7N6M bullet is characterized by the fact that it passes through the block and loses only part of the kinetic energy. The simulation results showed that the velocity of the bullet at the outlet is 220 m/s. Taking into account the initial velocity of the bullet 918 m/s with a mass of 3.4 g, we obtain the kinetic energy acting on the walls of the wound canal with a depth of 200 mm of about 830 J. Mathematic analyses showed that the expansive bullet has a soft core that deforms and transfers all the kinetic energy to the tissues immediately after penetration into the tissues. The loss of kinetic energy of the bullet (ΔE, J) is defined as the difference between the kinetic energy at the time of injury (Ec, J) and the residual energy of the bullet when leaving the material (Er, J). Numerical modeling of wound ballistics in biological tissue simulators allows us to determine with high accuracy the features of wound canal formation and tissue response to damage of bullets having different kinetic energy, which contributes to the choice of adequate surgical management during surgery for gunshot woundsengunshot woundgushot injurymodelling of bullet injurynumerical modeling2023аModeling of wound ballistics in biological tissues using engineering simulation softwareМоделювання ранової балістики в біологічних тканинах за допомогою програмного забезпечення з інженерної симуляціїArticle