Gerasimchuk, NinaSafargalina-Kornilova, NadiaPotabenko, Svetlana2014-12-122014-12-122014-11-27Gerasimchuk N. Activity of the main no synthesis enzymes of the combined therapy of fosinopril and hydrochlorothiazide at overweight hypertensive patients : [материалы научно-практической конференции «Современные лечебно-диагностические технологии и стандарты при заболеваниях внутренних органов» (Ташкент, 27–28 ноября 2014)] / N. Gerasimchuk, N. Safargalina-Kornilova, S. Potabenko // Терапевтический вестник Узбекистана. – 2014. – № 4. – С. 29–30. aim of the study was to investigate the activity of the main NO synthesis enzymes (endothelial-NO (e-NOS) and inducible-NO (i-NOS) synthases) at overweight patients with arterial hypertension therapy on the dynamics combined fosinopril and hydrochlorthiazide.enobesityhypertensionnitric oxideendothelial-NO synthasesinducible- NO (i-NOS)synthasesActivity of the main no synthesis enzymes of the combined therapy of fosinopril and hydrochlorothiazide at overweight hypertensive patientsThesis