Pandikidis, N.Maslova, NataliaMaslova, Yuliia2021-11-052021-11-052021-10-28Analysis of heart rate variability as a potential marker of shock factors / N. Pandikidis, N. Maslova, Y. Maslova // Modern directions of scientific research development : Proceedings of V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Chicago, USA, 28–30 October 2021. – Chicago, 2021. – P. 97–100.978-1-73981-126-6 in the functional state of the autonomic nervous system are accompanied by various functional states of the heart itself, as well as cardiac and non-cardiac diseases. Was conducted an analysis of the literature of recent years, the importance of analyzing heart rate variability in diagnosing various lesions of the central nervous system, as well as predicting the survival of patients.en-USheart rate variabilitystress markerdysfunctionsympathetic hyperactivityAnalysis of heart rate variability as a potential marker of shock factorsArticle