Kravchun, Pavlo H.Gramatyuk, AnnaGramatiuk, S.Кравчун, Павло ГригоровичГраматюк, Ганна МиколаївнаГраматюк, С.М.2015-04-142015-04-142015Kravchun P. G. The study to measure the level of serum annexin V in patients with renal hypertension / P. G. Kravchun, A. N. Gramatiuk, S. N. Gramatiuk // International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention. – 2015. – Vol .4, Issue 2. – Access mode : aim of this study was to measure the level of serum Anti-Annexin V antibodies in patients with renal hypertension. Methods. Routine laboratory testing included a complete blood count, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and kidney function tests (blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine). Immunological tests for antinuclear antibody (ANA) and anticentromere antibodies (ACA) was performed by the indirect immunofluorescence technique. AntiScl-70 (anti-topoisomerase antibodies) and anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA: IgG and IgM) were tested using the ELISA technique. The anti-annexin V antibodies titre used the ZYMUTEST anti-Annexin IgG ELISA kit. [Hyphen-BioMed, France.]: to measure the IgG isotype of auto-antibodies to annexin V in human serum. Results. Anti-annexin V antibodies were present in 75% of patients (mean 83.46 ± 22.44 AU/mL) vs. 0% in the controls (mean 3.94 ± 4.5 AU/mL). Comparison between patients and controls as regards levels of anti-annexin V showed a highly significant difference (P < 0.001). Furthermore, correlation of anti-annexin V titres with the disease activity score in the patient group showed a statistically significant positive correlation (r = 0.51, P < 0.05).In addition, the anti-annexin V antibody titres in this study showed a highly significant positive correlation with ACL antibodies (r = 0.74, P < 0.001). Patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) have been known to have a higher frequency of anti-annexin V antibodies, and thrombotic events have been reported more frequently in patients with positive anti-annexin V antibodies. Furthermore, inhibition of annexin V binding to negatively charged phospholipids may be an additional pathogenic mechanism of APS.enrenal hypertensionrenovascular hypertensionserum Annexin VThe study to measure the level of serum annexin V in patients with renal hypertensionArticle