Kuznetsova, MilenaBibichenko, ViktoriiaKuznetsova, IrinaSarapulova, Snizhana2023-11-162023-11-162023Characterization of the effect of chronic immobilization stress on the structural and functional state of the liver of mother rats and their one-month-old offspring as a risk factor for liver cancer / M. Kuznetsova, V. Bibichenko, I. Kuznetsova, S. Sarapulova // Novel directions in liver cancer research : 2nd international research conference on liver cancer, Heidelberg, 11─13 October, 2023 / DKFZ. – Heidelberg, 2023. – P. 70–71.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32891en2023аCharacterization of the effect of chronic immobilization stress on the structural and functional state of the liver of mother rats and their one-month-old offspring as a risk factor for liver cancerThesis