Marakushyn, DmytroIsaieva, InnaKarmazina, IrynaHloba, NataliiaOluwasegun, Elijah AdetunjiMakarova, Kateryna2019-10-242019-10-242019-05-15Female vs. male: difference in immune response / D. I. Marakushyn, I. M. Isaieva, I. S. Karmazina, N. S. Hloba, E. A. Oluwasegun, K. M. Makarova // World science. – 2019. –Special education : VI Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists in Physiology «Physiology to Medicine, Pharmacy and Pedagogics: Actual Problems and Modern Advancements», Warsaw, Poland, May 15–16, 2019. – P. 35–37., the strategies of therapy and prevention of infectious diseases should be based on differences taken into account to sex and gender.The early diagnostics of premorbid conditions plays the most important role in medical examinations. It is known, that the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions is determined by the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic links of the autonomic nervous system, as well as the endocrine system. Changes in the functional activity of the nervous and endocrine systems affect the activity of the third regulatory system - the immune system, which, in turn, can actively influence the neurohumoral path. The leukogram is an integral indicator of the balance of all homeostatic systems of the body. The cause of leukocyte rearrangements is often the general mobilization of the protective mechanisms of the body, so it is successfully used to assess the nonspecific adaptation reaction. Therefore the purpose of research was to study the features of adaptive capacity of male and female medical students by analyzing the adaptation intensity using L. Harkavy's index. Obtained data has shown that the relationship between humoral and cellular immunity is balanced in a greater number of males, but the distribution of the Harkavy's index in group of females and males was different that allowed to conclude the Harkavy's index in group of females indicates a more active response reaction or "re-activating" immune response.ensex differencesadaptation capacityhumoral immunitycellular immunityHarkavy's indexFemale vs. male: difference in immune responseArticle