Antonovich, Svitlana2016-07-072016-07-072016-05-19Antonovich S. Some problems of social and psychological adaptation of the visually impaired disabled people / S.Antonovich // Actual Problems Of Clinical And Theoretical Medicine : Аbstract Book Of IXth International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists And Medical Students (Іnternational Scientific Іnderdisciplinary Сongrence – ISIC), Kharkiv, 19–20 may 2016 / KhNMU. – Kharkiv, 2016. – Р. 247–248. work is devoted to the peculiarities of social and psychological adaptation of the visually impaired people to the conditions of modern society. sociological interview, questionnaires, training.enadaptationdisabledproblemsSome problems of social and psychological adaptation of the visually impaired disabled peopleThesis